Dear [fname],
Bulldogs are one of the most popular breed in the world, because they have very interesting story. But how much do you know about English Bulldogs? Here are several interesting facts about them.
Bulldogs were originally bred in England dating back to the 16th century, believed to be a mix of mastiffs and pugs. The English bulldog is what’s most commonly referred to as a “bulldog” but there are popular French and American varieties as well. Many celebrities own bulldogs including Leonardo DiCaprio, Reese Witherspoon, David Beckham, Ashley Olsen, Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, and Martha Stewart and US presidents are not an exception! Warren G. Harding was the only U.S. President to own a bulldog while in office. His pet bulldog, Oh Boy, passed away early during his term as president, and was replaced by an Airedale terrier, Laddie Boy as First Dog.
You see, English Bulldogs are very friendly and they will give you all their devotion in exchange for your love. And you should care about their comfort and safety by providing them with the best equipment you can find. Make your Bulldog happy and cheerful and enjoy every second you spend with him!
