Travelling With Your English Bulldog
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Attention! We DO NOT make any statements in this newsletter. We only share some points of view which were claimed by different dog breeders and experts. It's up to you whether to believe this article or not and whether to follow it. We respect your opinion and have no aim to let you down.

Do your plans include travel? Whether you are planning to go to the beach for a few days on vacation, to visit your friends or relatives, think about your dog before making a decision.
Experts state that travel can be very stressful for dogs and it depends on their level of socialization and temperament. For example, car rides are very fun for some dogs, but it is very hard for them to withstand a continuous ten-hour ride. Travelling by airplane, as dog experts denote, is more unpleasant for dogs that riding in a car, because they remain without care and can behave unpredictably.
But, if you have already made up your mind, follow the advice that professional dog behaviourists give to make travelling more comfortable for your Bully - take as many things that are familiar to your dog (toys, bowls, leashes, etc.) as you can. Dogs become much happier when surrounded by the things they recognize.

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